
The Tony Stephan Registered Dietitian Blog

Can Meat Substitutes Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?

Can Meat Substitutes Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?

The interest in plant-based diets is here to stay. With that, meat substitutes have soared in popularity over the past several years. You’ve probably tried a few yourself!  There are differing opinions on the health benefits of these meat substitutes among health and...

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Why Is Nutrition Science So Confusing?

Why Is Nutrition Science So Confusing?

Even for professionals, it can seem like nutrition science and the research behind it is a bit confusing. There are topics where experts can't even seem to agree and everyone has differing opinions. But why is this the case? Why are some things debatable when it comes...

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A Dietitian’s Honest Review Of Flexible Dieting

A Dietitian’s Honest Review Of Flexible Dieting

Flexible dieting has been trending in the health and fitness industry for years. Simply put, it’s a weight loss approach that encourages all types of foods as long as they fit your macros. People rave about this because it’s highly adaptable and removes food labels...

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The Flexitarian Diet: A Dietitian’s Perspective

The Flexitarian Diet: A Dietitian’s Perspective

The term “flexitarian” may not be in your everyday vocabulary. So what the heck is a flexitarian diet then? Well, it’s essentially a semi-vegetarian diet. It’s rich in plant foods but does not completely cut out animal products. The definition of a flexitarian diet is...

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